About Us

Ipswich Borough Council is a supporter of Fairtrade and agreed in 2005 to pursue the goal of securing Fairtrade Town status. An open meeting was arranged later that year to take the Councils idea/vision further. More than 20 people formed a voluntary steering group to push forward Fairtrade Town status.

During Fairtrade Fortnight in February 2008, Ipswich achieved its aim and was granted Fairtrade Status.

The purpose of a Fairtrade Town is to contribute to the Fairtrade Foundation aim of tackling poverty across the globe by enabling disadvantaged producers from poor countries to receive a better deal through encouraging support for the Fairtrade Mark.

Membership of the steering group was drawn from those who initially attended the open meeting in October but anyone is welcome to join. The steering group is made up of representatives of a variety of organisations and also individuals.